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 Rules (Please read first)

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Ian Roberts
Ian Roberts

Posts : 30
Join date : 2010-10-03

Rules (Please read first) Empty
PostSubject: Rules (Please read first)   Rules (Please read first) EmptyMon Oct 04, 2010 2:02 am

I first want to thank you for your desire to join the USS Merlin and to reading these rules. I want to make sure that you the reader understand that these rules are meant to be direct and not mean. I think that it’s safe to say that we are all mature individuals so I will just get right to the point. Please don’t hesitate to address the command staff with any questions or concerns regarding the rules.

1. General Rules:

1.1 Have fun! For the love of Pete this is a simm and not the real world. We don’t want you to have to stress about what goes on regarding the Merlin. This is a place for you to find an escape from the real world. Utilize it, embrace it and have fun with it. If there are any suggestions you have to make the simm more interesting please let me know.

1.2 Treat others with respect. This is a drama free zone. Please believe that we are not here to satisfy our needs of control or authority because we can’t in the real world. We are here to satisfy our love for writing and Star Trek. We feel that this can be done without argument, competition and grumbling. The principals of trek are peace. We abide by that belief here as well.

1.3 Confrontation with another character can only be done when agreed upon by another character. You can challenge the CO’s authority but please make sure that the CO agrees with it. This doesn’t include straight subordination but also a humoristic joke about another character’s race. People chose these characters because the feel passionate about them. If anything negative will be said, run it past the other party.

1.4 Post at least one page of text once a week. It is essential that we are active. This is a commitment and often when one person doesn’t post a lot of people are caught up wondering what to do and that often destroys the simm. The Merlin promises to be an experience you have not had in simming before. Please please please post. We want you to push the story forward. We are all creative and so the simm leadership should NOT be the only ones advancing the story. If there is something that the command staff can do to further kindle your interest in the simm please let us know.

1.4.1 The one week timeline is for Starfleet crewmembers. Civilians can post once a month and not be breaking rules.

1.5 All posting will be done via our forums at please utilize this for your postings. You are required to create an account for the forums using your character’s name as your username. Information regarding the simm can be found on our website at We will try to update both areas as frequently as possible.

1.6 Each post will be formatted uniformly to create a better experience. In each post list the name of the character, the mission day

1.7 If one is unable to post for longer than a week please notify either the CO, XO or 2XO so you can be placed on LOA. Anything longer than two weeks will require an ELOA which will be discussed with the simms administrators.

1.8 This is a PG-16 Simm. Because of the legal requirements to have all people above the age of 16 we will be implementing this on our site through its rating. Anything that might be considered pornographic will not be allowed. Gratuitous violence will not be allowed. Think of a Tom Clancy book as being a reference for a PG-16 simm. Finally please do not use the “f” word. It does offend some people. If you have questions regarding the content please let the command staff know.

1.9 All Obidian Fleet rules apply. This is common sense. We aren’t alone and we are affiliated with Obsidian Fleet. For questions regarding the rules of OF please go to

2. Character Rules

2.1 No God characters. This is an obvious and common rule but one that some people may not completely comprehend. By “God” we don’t mean your diety of choice (or lack thereof) comes down, puts on a Starfleet uniform and obeys the Captain’s orders. What is meant is characters who have tremendous and unfair advantages over others. Because of this, no Soong androids are allowed, no Q’s are allowed etc. I kid you not when I say that I was involved with a simm where a character was an android and he slammed an intruder through the corridor of the ship, through the hull and out into space. That will not be happening here. Nor will I see a marine that can head shot 5 Klingons with one round… every time. *facepalm*

2.2 Keep the characters cannon. Please keep in mind that a universe has been created and we need to follow the laws, rules and cultures of that universe. I don’t want to see someone who takes a picture of their cat, put a Starfleet uniform on her and call her the tactical officer. (Yes, another thing that I have seen). This allows up to more easily follow rule 2.1.

2.3 The character will have no ties to cannon characters. This is to allow us to unique in the things that we do. Yes, we are in a defined universe with defined parameters but ultimately we have the ability to create our own ship free from the ships others have created. So please, don’t be related to, friends with or know a cannon character like Riker, Crusher, Quark etc. Even though I would chuckle if someone mentioned they had a conversation with Picard about why medical advancements have cured so many difficult diseases like cancer but have yet been unable to do anything about baldness. But don’t.

2.4 Your bio defines your character. Be as detailed as you can with your biography we don’t want any big surprises such as, “Oh my gosh! I’m half Klingon!” duh duh duh. Don’t make any additional add-ons down the road that would seriously affect your character. Also, “Classified” is not acceptable on an application as more often than not it means: “I really don’t want to write any more”.

2.5 One Starfleet character at a time. This is more of a guideline than a rule. At times we are going to ask for volunteers to play other characters as well such as an Admiral, a story driven NPC etc. Use this opportunity to play another character. You will however be permitted to create a Starfleet character and a civilian character if you so decide.

2.6 General NPCs can be created when approved by the department head of the department the NPC is associated with. A general NPC is one who won’t be recurring regularly but is one with a name and someone you will interact with. Their ultimate fate will be decided by the department head. This is to prevent a marine from using 15 nurses as human shields trying to navigate a mine field. A personal NPC is one that will be recurring regularly. These are the NPC’s that you would make an intimate relationship with, an officer to interact with until one can be recruited into your department etc. These will not only have to be approved by the department head but also the stooges. (The stooges will be explained soon). Personal NPC’s will need a bio written up and will be displayed on the website and forum.

3. Structure/Rank/Promotions

3.1 The structure of this simm is going to be unique. I am sure that in the past we all have come across CO’s who feel that they command in character and out of character. On the USS Merlin we are looking to start a new trend in simming that places the power with you the player and limits the power of the CO in the out of character context. To explain there will be a group of three comprising the CO, XO and the 2XO who form a group we jokingly call “The three stooges” one of the stooges will be able to propose ideas for the simm that are minor such as a rule change, change to the website etc. It will be voted on and the majority vote will allow it to pass or fail. In the event that a member of the three stooges feels that a matter presented to the group is one that will affect the whole crew through majority vote it can then be passed on for us as a whole to vote with majority passing or killing the proposal. If you feel something that needs to be changed you could contact one of the stooges who would bring up the motion.

3.2 In game chain of command is traditional. If someone outranks you; do what they say. The chain of command will start with the officer by rank within a department. If people hold the same rank the time on the ship will constitute higher rank. It will then go Assistant Department Head, Department Head, 2XO, XO, CO and above. Please respect that chain of command in character. If you need to talk to someone higher for an out of character issue please feel free to do so. If it is an issue with the CO please notify the TFGO which can be found on the Obsidian Fleet Website.

3.3 Every character will start at the highest rank of ensign or 2nd Lt. Unless they are a department head which they will be given the rank of Lt. JG or 1st Lt unless voted on by the stooges based on experience, reputation, commitment, history etc.

3.4 Promotions and awards may be given out at the end of a mission but promotions must be based on either you the player for another character. You cannot nominate yourself. Awards and promotions will be voted on by the stooges and will take into account the following: Quality of posts, content, creative contributions, recruiting, OCC assistance and various other elements.

3.5 The XO cannot be of higher rank than the CO, the 2XO cannot be of higher rank than the XO and the department heads cannot be of higher rank than the 2XO. Officers cannot be of higher rank than their department heads. Kind of straight forward but I just want to be sure we are clear. One can only advance in position if there is an opening available.

4. Discipline

4.1 I don’t like to have to go through this but I must.

4.2 Lack of posting, unfair treatment of other players, disobeying rules and other offenses will be looked at and brought before the stooges. The stooges will vote on whether a strike will be given. A strike will last on someone’s record for two months if a strike is voted on by a majority of the stooges.

4.3 If you know baseball you know the outcome of what happens with the third strike: You will be removed from the simm. We don’t want to do this but after the third strike we will have no choice as it is also Obsidian Fleet rules to use a three strike policy. An appeal can be made through the stooges with sufficient evidence.

5. Roundup

5.1 By submitting an application and signing up for the forums you do show that you agree to these rules, that you have read them and that you vow to follow the rules to the best of your ability.

5.2 You also agree to HAVE FUN!!! GO OUT THERE AND GET WRITING Smile

The Command Staff of the USS Merlin
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