USS Merlin
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 Mission 1: Hands of Friendship

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Shalor Keyn
Lukus Fordur
Ian Roberts
7 posters
Lukus Fordur

Lukus Fordur

Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-10-30
Age : 29
Location : United Kingdom

Mission 1: Hands of Friendship Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mission 1: Hands of Friendship   Mission 1: Hands of Friendship EmptySun Dec 19, 2010 6:18 am

Time: 2215
tags:yeah, Where is everyone?

Fordur had been walking round the Merlin to try and get used to walking great distances, he would have to seving on an excaliber class. He was now walking to his quarters for a break from so much excercise.

The captain had given him the task of finding out more about the attack on Almari II 20 years ago. if they could find the origin of that ship, negotiations would be alot easier.

as he got to his quarters he entered the bathroom, stripped and activated the sonic shower. When he was done he changed into his PJ's (a vest and some shorts) and lay down on the bed.

He kept thinking to himself: "What if I screw up?" that qusetion ligered in his head for quite some time and little did Fordur know his anxiety didn't go unnoticed...

OOC: Where is everyone? just like to know your still out there!
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Shalor Keyn

Shalor Keyn

Posts : 4
Join date : 2010-11-04
Age : 34

Mission 1: Hands of Friendship Empty
PostSubject: News from Home   Mission 1: Hands of Friendship EmptySat Dec 18, 2010 10:07 pm

Time: 2215
Location: Keyn's quarters
Tags: Where is everybody? LOL

Keyn tossed her book down on the bed tiredly. After getting her butt whooped twice by the XO, it was time for bed. Goodness sake! Chess was her game! Nevertheless, Dente had managed to foresee her every move and counter it. There was no way he was that good. It had to have been pure luck. Well, she'd find out, she planned to challenge him again in the near future.

Tiredly, she headed over to the bathroom, stripped, and stepped into the sonic shower. After a few minutes, just when her eyes were full of soap, there was a loud chime followed closely by a man's voice.

"Sorry if I disturbed you, Lieutenant," he said, "but there's a message coming in for you over subspace."

Keyn sighed. "I'll take it in my quarters." Hurriedly, she stepped out of the shower, dried herself off, and threw her pajamas on. A few moments later, she slid in front of the screen beside her bed and accepted the the incoming message. The screen lit up with the face of a handsome, elderly Bajoran who was missing an eye.

"Hello, Vedek Maren," she said. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

"Not at all, Keyn," Maren said, smiling. "I really wasn't expecting you to be up this late."

"Ship-board time is only the ninth hour past lunch." Keyn explained, using the Bajoran clock as a common point of reference. "I was just getting ready for bed. Now, what can I do for you, Vedek? I haven't heard for you in ages."

"I wish I could say this was a social call, Keyn," the aging Vedek said. "But... it's Arton."

Keyn couldn't help but roll her eyes. "What's he done now? I trust he's still as harmless as ever?"

"Harmless is hardly the word the government has for him," Maren said. "He's been arrested."

"Arrested?" Keyn sighed and shook her head. "Good for him."

"Good for him?" echoed Maren "Don't your care?"

"Hardly," Keyn said. "Good riddance."

Maren shook his head sadly. "I hate to see you two always mad at each other. Can't you see past your differences and remember your his sister?"

"No." Keyn growled. "Goodbye Vedek, and thank you for the news." She switched off the screen without another word.

Silently, she rolled over onto her bed and pulled the sheets over her body. "Lights off," she ordered.

As her eyes closed tiredly, she couldn't help but feel a bit smug. Hopefully, Arton would be rotting in prison for a few months, maybe even a few years.
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Andrew Sharp
Andrew Sharp

Posts : 5
Join date : 2010-11-05
Age : 31

Mission 1: Hands of Friendship Empty
PostSubject: Everything In Order   Mission 1: Hands of Friendship EmptyMon Nov 15, 2010 1:58 am

Time: Day 1, 2200 Hours
Location: USS Merlin Security Office
Tags: None

Lieutenant Sharp was in his office looking over the ship's security protocols and regulations. The security division on the ship was certainly larger than it had been on the Xanthus. He found this very satisfying.

He had spent the last hour in his office getting it organized and looking over the profiles of several of his staff.

Five of the ship's security crew had just transferred from the Xanthus like him. Andrew did not need to go over their service records or personnel reports, as he knew all of their reports by heart.

However, there were still dozens of other officers in the Merlin's security division that he did not know at all. But he made it his own directive to learn at least their names and their physical appearances before he went to bed that night.

For Andrew, this was no problem. He was known for his outstanding memorization skills. He had once memorized an entire song after just hearing it four times. In fact, his memory was so good, that some people could have sworn that he had was at least part Vulcan when they first met him. But he quickly disproved them and proved he was pure Human.

Andrew theorized that he had gotten his superior memory from his father, Richard. "Quick Rick" Sharp was the head of one of the Alpha Quadrant's most prestigious theatre troupes. He was known to memorize his parts for entire plays in just a few days. Andrew had a great interest in acting, and for a while, he considered following in his father's footsteps.

But in the end, he decided to follow in his mother's footsteps instead. His mother, Natalie Sharp, had been a firm Starfleet Officer. At the time, she held the rank of Vice Admiral and she worked at Starfleet Command itself.

Once Andrew was finished memorizing the names of the security staff, he decided to call it a night. He left his office, went over to the nearest turbolift, got in, and requested "Deck 2." The turbolift ascended three levels and Andrew got out there.

When he got there, Melanie was already asleep. He was carefully not to disturb her as he changed into his night attire. He carefully got into bed and said "Computer, turn off the lights."

Then the lights were shut off. Andrew turned to his side and watched his wife sleep. He placed his hand on her slightly protruding belly and rested it there for a moment. He did not feel any movement, which was natural, as Melanie was only in the eleventh week of her pregnancy. But all the same, Andrew kept his hand on his wife's abdomen in an almost protective manner.

Soon afterwards, Andrew realized just how tired he was and fell asleep.
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Ian Roberts
Ian Roberts

Posts : 30
Join date : 2010-10-03

Mission 1: Hands of Friendship Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mission 1: Hands of Friendship   Mission 1: Hands of Friendship EmptySun Nov 14, 2010 3:02 am

Time: Day 1 2056 hrs.
Location: USS Merlin Ready Room
Tag: None

had been reading over the crew reports after having met Lt. Sharp. He
saw that he had an Intelligence Officer assigned to the vessel. Upon
further investigation Ian noticed that he had just finished the academy
and had been assigned the Merlin as his first assignment. To have an
Excalibur class and a department head position right out of the academy
meant that he had made quite and impression on the staff and had done
exceptionally well in the academy. Ian smiled remembering his first
assignment. It seemed like hell at times. Ian didn't want that to be
the same way for Ensign Fordur.

"Computer" Ian said. "Locate Ensign Fordur". The computer promptly responded. "Ensign Fordur is on the main bridge."

got up from his desk and started to walk out from his quarters.
"Anything I can do for you sir?" said Rebecca Frost. "I am just going
to invite our Chief Intelligence Officer into have a little chat." Ian
smiled. "Commander, you know that I could have done..." Ian cut her off
and raised his hand. "I know" he said putting his hand down. "It's just
a simple walk out to the bridge." Ian didn't want to seem rude. "I am
sorry Ms. Frost" this is going to take some time to get used to. Please
be patient with me."

"Of course Commander" she responded.

doors opened and Ian looked out on the main bridge. It wasn't hard to
pick out the Ensign as he was the only one on the bridge with a grey
duty uniform. "Ensign Fordur" Ian said in the direction of the Ensign
with a smile. "If you have a minute there are a few things I would like
to discuss with you." The commander stood by the door.

Ensign Fordur looked round to see his CO standing across from him, he smiled back "Of course sir, I'll be right with you."

and the Ensign walked into the Ready Room. "Please Ensign, have a
seat." As the Ensign sat down Ian walked around and sat down as well.
"Welcome aboard the Merlin Ensign. Have you had a chance to get
acclimated or to see use your post on the bridge?"

"Yes I have, the Merlin's a brillant vessel and love her already! Even though I've only been on board for half an hour!"

see" The Commander responded. "I was reading over your personnel file
and was surprsied to see how short it was. How was your stint at the

"Not as good as it could have been." The Ensign answered sadly "Sure I was top of the class, but I had to face quite a few idiots back the academy, most of them I think just have no sense of morality whatsever, fortunately they have been assigned to a defiant class, The USS Tiber if I remember correctly."

"I remember my days" Ian replied. "I was
quite the troublemaker, no one would ever know because I never managed
to get caught doing anything." Ian chuckled. "That is the key, don't
ever get caught. Anyway, this posting must be quite the honor for you.
Do you have any reservations about being posted on the Merlin? Do you
feel you are ready."

"I was expecting to be assigned to a smaller vessel, like a

Miranda class." He stated "It blew my mind when I realised it was an Excalibur! But I'm not sure if I am up to it, I mean I'm only an Ensign!"

"I have full confidence in you
Ensign" Commader Roberts stated. "I know that command wouldn't have
placed you here if you weren't fully capable of doing what you are to
be asked and to start you off I have an assignment for you. We will be
leaving at 0800 in the morning. Sooner than expected but apparently we
are needed in the Almari system. Are you familiar with it?"

"The Almari system." Fordur repeated. "Well I know they have dilithium ore deposits out there, There's also a potential rebellion plot against their first minster, who wants to resume contact with the federation."

Roberts replied, "From the little bit I was able to read Starfleet
Intelligence has been keeping an eye on Almari II. Their dilithium
deposits were too important for us to turn a blind eye, even after they
cut all diplomatic ties with the federation. The First Minister of
Almari II is wanting to resume contact with the federation and from the
intelligence reports it looks as if there is sever opposition to this
move by the First Minister. Some members of the opposition have gone so
far as to say that they will rebel against the government and attack
the first minister himself. I need you to find out how serious this
opposition is and whether or not they will be an issue or try to
interfere with this mission. I also need to know not only about the
first minister and how to work with him but more importantly about the
leader of this opposition. How soon do you think you can do that for

"I'll do my best, but I'm not if I can do much better than Starfleet intelligence." Fordur said. "I'll see if I find out more about the attack twenty years ago, maybe that opposition is simply scared that might happen again."

"That will suffice. I just need that before we
get there which will be the day after tomorrow." Ian paused. "I know I
have given a lot for you to do Ensign but I want you to know that this
ship has an open door policy. Feel free to call on my whenever you need
anything, even if it is nothing more than to have a simple chat. In
fact, do you have anything that you wish to ask me now? Is there
anything that I can do for you?"

Fordur tapped his chin thinking of anything he might need to say while he had the chance. "What about my telepathy and empathy? Is use restricted?"

"To some degree yes" Ian said. "It is imparative that you respect the privacy of the crew. You are not to use your empathy on a crewmember unless you are under orders to do so. At the same time though I understand that is a valuable tool to have on board the ship. So if you feel it needs to be used please use it ensign. " Ian didn't want to sound over bearing. "I know you will do great though".

"If that is all Ensign then you are
dismissed" Ian said as he stood up. "I am excited to have you aboard
Ensign. I know you will make a great addition to our team and I know
you won't let us down. Again, if there is anything I can do please let
me know.

Ian than sat back down behind his desk and went back to work. He had a feeling it was going to be a late night.

A joint post by

Mission 1: Hands of Friendship So1
Mission 1: Hands of Friendship Fordursig
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Randall Rawlings

Randall Rawlings

Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-11-06

Mission 1: Hands of Friendship Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mission 1: Hands of Friendship   Mission 1: Hands of Friendship EmptySat Nov 13, 2010 7:04 am

Time: Day 1-2115 hrs.
Location: USS Merlin, Marine Training
Tag: None

Randall had to set an example, as the Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Randall needed to show the less senior men that being a marine was a duty. Even in his off time he was training and on the Marine's training holodeck that was exactly what it was doing. Besides, he knew that it meant that he was more likely to survive and his age wasn't making him perform any better.

"CLEAR THE RANGE!" he yelled and began to open fire. Randall was an excellent marksman and it showed as his shots were grouped together in the center mass of the target. The shots would have killed anyone with each shot fired.

"Not bad Sarge" Randall heard to his right. A private had also been training. "Not bad?" Randall said. "What do you know about shooting?" Randall hadn't recognized the private and figured he was a transfer.

"Not too much. I just got out of basic. But I did receive awards for marksmanship." The private replied. Randall was far from impressed. "Oh did you?" he said.

Randall began to walk towards the private. "Any fool can hit a target. It's when you are under fire that accuracy really counts. Let's see if you have that accuracy under fire" Randall said then speaking towards the computer. "Computer, activate program Rawlings Zero-Two-Nine. Remove safeties and execute." Randall saw the fear creep into the private's eyes. Randall had this program written for a purpose and that was to strike fear into newcomers like this private. Under no condition were the safeties allowed to be removed even with verbal command." It was nothing more than a show.

"You.... you can't do this" the private said. Randall got in his face. "I can't, can't I? I AM THE GODDAMN CHIEF NCO OF THE MERLIN!!! I CAN DO WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT!" Randall took a step back. "Now I will give you a piece of advice. You have a platoon of holograms fighting against a company of Romulan infantry supported by armor and artillery. Their first bombardment will start in five minutes so I suggest you start digging."

Randall than turned around ignoring the pleas of the private. "Computer, exit." The doors to the holodeck appeared. Randall turned back looking over his shoulder and said, "Now let's see what some fine shooting is".
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Aria Staris

Aria Staris

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Join date : 2010-11-07

Mission 1: Hands of Friendship Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mission 1: Hands of Friendship   Mission 1: Hands of Friendship EmptyWed Nov 10, 2010 12:03 am

Day 1 -2105 Hours
Location: USS Merlin - Bridge

Aria stepped out of the turbolift and took a deep breath as she headed for the Ready Room doors. She got a few curious glances, or rather her cadet’s uniform did. She was twenty-nine years old and just now about to graduate from Starfleet Academy. She had gone to the University of Human Sciences and had worked for a free-lance archeologist for two years before deciding to join Starfleet. In Starfleet she would be sent to planets she wouldn’t most likely never see otherwise. She didn’t regret going to the university first.

She had a passion for Archeology and Mythology. A passion that bordered on obsession. She even loved to create the myths in the holodeck. She had ridden dragons and pegasuses as well as unicorns. She had swam with the Lochness monster. In fact she had recreated creatures from Vulcan and Betazed and many other planets of the Federation. To truly understand a cultures fascination and fear of their mythological creatures she felt it easiest to create them holographically. It was more than that though. It was her way of releasing tension or anger. Her holo-programs had made her the center of many jokes at the Academy but she could only shake her head and smile.

Starfleet often sent cadets on an assignment in their final year but she had never heard of a cadet being assigned to anything other than an assistant, yet in her orders she had been assigned as an Acting Chief Science Officer. I’ll find out in a few seconds, she thought as she rang the chime. She had been so anxious and nervous about this assignment that she hadn’t even gone to her quarters yet to unpack the few things she had brought.

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Join date : 2010-11-05

Mission 1: Hands of Friendship Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mission 1: Hands of Friendship   Mission 1: Hands of Friendship EmptyMon Nov 08, 2010 7:07 am

Day 1 - 2100 hours
Location: U.S.S. Merlin, Observation Lounge
Tag: Shalor

After having dropped off his belongings off inside of his quarters Dente took a tour of the ship's Primary nursing facilities for his son Brex who was dropped off promptly so that Dente could take his own private tour of the ship before actually going and meeting the CO who was a old personal friend of his.

The tour started where he had left his last assignment: And that was Main Engineering...the rather large room was around the same size that he had worked in before aboard the Protype ship the U.S.S. Vesta when she was undergoing testing trials.

Half-way through the testing trials he had been extended the offer of being an Executive officer aboard the Merlin which when he found out who was asking for him one Ian Roberts Dente signed up at once and let the Captain of the Vesta know that he'd be reassigned to another vessel.

As he finished exploring Main Engineering he made his way to the Observation Lounge of the ship wondering if he could get a idea via his (telapathic) senses what kind of crew the Merlin would have. Making his way down through the crowd he spotted soon enough a chess-table where sat a Lt. with a Command track uniform on which he knew would could only mean she was one of the Flight Controller or due to her rank the Chief Flight Controller.

Approaching her he said, "Looks like you want to play Chess...I'm up for a game if you are." He took a sit opposite her as well as the Chess board and added, "I'm Dente Ch'Harve, newly boarded Executive Officer of this ship as well as somewhat of a good Chess player. What's your name?"
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Ian Roberts
Ian Roberts

Posts : 30
Join date : 2010-10-03

Mission 1: Hands of Friendship Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mission 1: Hands of Friendship   Mission 1: Hands of Friendship EmptyMon Nov 08, 2010 4:48 am


Day 1 - 2030 hours
Location:USS Merlin, Captain's Ready Room
Tag: None

Ian had heard the doors to his Ready Room open but had neglected to look up until he heard Keyn clear her throat. "My apologies Lt. Keyn" Ian said. He politely smiled and stood up from his chair and walked over to her to shake her hand. "It is a pleasure to have you aboard. Please," he said as he stretched out his hand to the chair that sat across from his desk. "Have a seat. I like to get to know my crew." He then walked back to his side of his desk and casually sat back with his legs crossed. "Please Lt. Keyn, tell me a little about yourself."

“Shalor, sir,” Keyn said, smirking.

“Beg your pardon?” the Captain responded, looking a bit confused.

“The correct form of address is Lt. Shalor,” Keyn answered. “Bajorans are relatively unique in the galaxy in that our family name comes before our given name. Don’t worry, it’s a very common mistake.”

“My apologies, again, Lt. Shalor.” Roberts stressed her name, smiling good-naturedly.

“Not at all, sir,” Keyn smirked. “Now, about myself. Well, sir, I’m a child of the Bajoran Occupation, as I’m sure you’re aware. My only living relative is an older brother, Arton. We don’t get along very well.”

“I understand you were well on your way to becoming a religious leader before joining Starfleet,” Ian decided to change the subject a bit, he could tell Shalor wasn’t at all comfortable talking about her brother.

“Yes sir, I was in training to become a Vedek,” answered Keyn, surprised. She had no idea that little fact was in her file.

“Why’d you leave?” asked the Captain.

“I realized burning incense, chanting prayers, and ringing gongs wasn’t the life for me,” Keyn answered. “Don’t misunderstand me, I’m very grateful for my time in the monastery, I just couldn’t stay there much longer without going mad.”

"Very interesting Ms. Shalor. I did want to let you know that your reputation precedes you. I read about your maneuver in the Faleesien Nebula on the Tiber, that was brilliant." He wanted to make sure his crew knew that they were more than just names and that the process of getting to know them wasn't a process that he would take lightly. "I know that piloting the Tiber and the Merlin are going to be different. Do you think that there will be much trouble making the transition?"

“Honestly, sir,” Keyn said, “I do think it might take a day or two, maybe even a week, to adjust. The Merlin is simply massive compared to the Tiber. She’s not going to be as quick on her feet. But, from what I’ve read, what the Merlin lacks in agility, she makes up for with sheer power and speed. I can’t wait to get this Baby out of spacedock, sir.” Keyn’s smile was wider than a Denobulan’s. Ian could tell she was excited.

"I have every confidence in you and your abilities" Ian said truthfully. "I believe that the USS Merlin is destined to do great things Lieutenant. You will play a major role in that. I expect each and every member of this crew to work together to fulfill our mission. If we all can work together and we can endure through the challenges that will be presented before us I do believe that there is nothing that we can't accomplish." Ian paused again. "I want you to know that I am available if you need anything day or night. If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask. That is an order. Now, Lieutenant Shalor, is there anything that you wish to ask me? Is there anything that I can do for you?"

“Sir, Starfleet regulation indicates that cultural alterations to the standard uniforms may be permitted at the discretion of the commanding officer,” Keyn squirmed a bit in her chair. “Will I be permitted to wear my earring on duty sir?”

"Of course you have permission Lt. Shalor" Ian said. "Religion is very important to you. I will respect that and do whatever I can do make you feel comfortable on board this ship." Ian smiled. "Besides, I could use all the help I can. It would be nice to have the prophets on our side."

"Well if there is nothing else you are dismissed Lieutenant." Ian stood up and started to walk towards the door. "We will be leaving spacedock tomorrow morning for 0800. I am sure that you need to unpack and to get settled in. Feel free to take the rest of the night off to get acclimated Lieutenant." Ian smiled. "Again, it is a pleasure to have you aboard."


A joint post by

Mission 1: Hands of Friendship Ro2g
Mission 1: Hands of Friendship Keynsig

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Shalor Keyn

Shalor Keyn

Posts : 4
Join date : 2010-11-04
Age : 34

Mission 1: Hands of Friendship Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mission 1: Hands of Friendship   Mission 1: Hands of Friendship EmptyMon Nov 08, 2010 4:09 am

Time: 2100 hours
Location: USS Merlin – Observation Lounge
Tags: Feel free to stop by

“Bajoran shrimp lasagna with a side of garlic bread and a tall glass of jumja juice.” Keyn waited as her dinner appeared in the replicator, then took the meal to a nearby table. She was careful to choose a table that had a good view of the various ships in the spacedock and a 3-D chess board . She hurried her way through dinner, anyone watching would’ve thought she was back in the ghetto on Terok Nor, scarfing her food before a Cardassian or a starving ore worker stole it.

Once she was finished with her food, she placed the dishes in the replicator to be recycled and ordered a refill to her jumja juice. Immediantly, she returned to her table and sat staring out at the traffic of ships. She watched as a runabout entered the shadow of the Merlin, its trajectory taking it towards the docking bay. More crewmembers were arriving.

Calmly, Keyn set up the chess board, careful to place the white pieces in front of herself. Hopefully, someone would get the message and join her for a game or two. In the meantime, she picked up a book she’d brought with her and began reading. The Way of the Prophets was a Bajoran romantic tragedy many scholors compared to Earth’s Romeo and Juliet. In Keyn’s opinion, there was no comparison. She began to read.

OOC: chess anyone? or maybe just a friendly chat?
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Andrew Sharp
Andrew Sharp

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Join date : 2010-11-05
Age : 31

Mission 1: Hands of Friendship Empty
PostSubject: Meeting The Boss   Mission 1: Hands of Friendship EmptySun Nov 07, 2010 4:20 pm

Time: Day 1, 2042 Hours.
Location: USS Merlin- Main Bridge
Tags: Lt. Commander Kalidente "Dente" Ch'Harve

The turbolift soon arrived on the bridge. The doors slid open and Andrew stepped out. It was at that very moment that he saw the bridge of an Excalibur-class vessel for the first time.

It was huge; almost twice the size of a Galaxy-class bridge. Because the night shift was about to begin, there were only a few people on the bridge at that time.

Lieutenant Sharp made his way over to the door marked "Ready Room." The doors promptly opened up for him and he stepped inside. He expected to see Commander Roberts on the other side, but instead, there was a blond woman. The insignia on her collar indicated that she was an enlisted crewmember. She looked up at Andrew and smiled.

He smiled back and said "Excuse me, I'm looking for Commander Roberts?"

Gesturing to the other door in the room, she said "He's in there."

Andrew nodded and said "Thank you, Miss... uh, Miss..."

"Frost," she answered, "Petty Officer Rebecca Frost, the CO's personal yeoman."

"Pleased to meet you, Yeoman Frost," he stepped toward her desk and held out his hand, "I am Lieutenant Andrew Sharp, the Merlin's new Security Chief."

"Good evening, sir," she said, taking his hand and shaking it. "The Commander told me you'd be arriving soon."

After shaking Rebecca's hand, Andrew approached the door. He thought to himself Well, here goes nothing and walked through it. He was impressed by how spacious the Ready Room was. It somehow provided an atmosphere of comfort to Andrew. At the far end of the room, there was a man sitting at a desk, reading a file on his screen. Andrew recognized the man as Commander Ian Roberts. Andrew had never met him before, but he had reviewed his personnel report enough times to know the Commander by sight.

Upon hearing the sound of the door closing, Commander Roberts looked up.

Andrew was always a little nervous whenever he met a superior officer for the first time, but he was always able to remain organized and calm. He approached the desk, connected his hands behind his back and introduced himself "Lieutenant Andrew Sharp reporting as ordered, sir."

Commander Roberts stood up, shook hands with Andrew, and greeted him "Welcome aboard, Lieutenant. Please, have a seat."

Andrew sat down in the chair in front of the desk and his eyes came level with the Commander's.

"Would you care for something to drink?" inquired the Commander.

"No, thank you, sir." Andrew politely declined the offer. He wanted to get down to business as soon as possible.

Commander Roberts brought Lieutenant Sharp's personnel report up on his screen and said "Looks like you'll be our Security Chief and my Second Officer."

"Yes, sir." Andrew nodded. "I look forward to fulfilling my duties on this ship."

The Commander nodded and looked back at the screen. He briefly glimpsed over Lieutenant Sharp's service record and his list of special commendations. He commented "It looks like you've had an exemplary commission so far, Lieutenant."

"Thank you, sir."

Studying Andrew's list of commendations, the Commander said "It says here that on your very first assignment, which took place on the USS Copenhagen, you found a way to track down a renegade Cardassian fleet when no one else could. In addition to that, when the Cardassians captured three of your crewmates, you saved them almost completely on your own."

"I just wish I didn't have to kill four people on that occasion, even though they were just Cardassians." Andrew freely admitted.

"Then I respect you for that, Mr. Sharp." Commander Roberts looked over Andrew's profile and told him "Based upon your record, I'm surprised that you only hold the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade."

"I understand what you mean, sir." said Andrew. "But I have come to accept that any change in my rank is not up to me; it is up to my commanding officers. My work and accomplishments can only influence their decisions."

Commander Roberts nodded again. He then picked up a PADD and handed it to Andrew. He told him "Your duty shift and most other subjects relating to your shift are listed out on the PADD. Report to the bridge tomorrow at the time specified."

"Yes, sir." Andrew nodded.

There was silence for a moment, and then Commander Roberts told his new Security Chief "I look forward to serving with you, Mr. Sharp."

"Thank you once again, sir." Andrew then asked "When is Commander Ch'Harve due to arrive?"

"To tell you the truth, I am not quite sure when exactly he will arrive," answered the Commander, "but he'll be here soon."

"I look forward to meeting him." Andrew studied his PADD for a moment. Then he offered to run a security sweep through every deck before he went off-duty.

Commander Roberts was appreciative, but told him that a security sweep at that time was unnecessary. A full security inspection had already been run earlier that day before any of the senior staff had arrived.

The two of them talked for a bit longer, and then the CO dismissed the Tactical Officer, bidding him "Good night."
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Lukus Fordur

Lukus Fordur

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Join date : 2010-10-30
Age : 29
Location : United Kingdom

Mission 1: Hands of Friendship Empty
PostSubject: nice ship!   Mission 1: Hands of Friendship EmptySun Nov 07, 2010 6:58 am

Day 1 - 2010 hours
location:USS merlin-transporter room 1.

Lukus Fordur had just materialised on the Merlin in, in transporter room one. "Whoa! The holo simulations at the academy don't have anything on me!" He thought looking around the room.

"Welcome aboard the Merlin ensign." said the
lieutenant at the controls, he sounded a little bored and tired, Lukus could sense this guy wasn't in the mood for small talk, so he politly smiled at him. "Thank you, do you know where my quarters are?" He asked.

The lieutenant looked down at a padd on top of his controls. "Its...Lukus Fordur..." he looked back at the ensign. " I right?" Lukus nodded, The lieutenant looked back at his padd. "Then your quarters are on deck 4." He stated. Lukus nodded again. "Thanks for the assist, I appreciate it." He started for the door, but then briefly turned back round, with concern on his face.

"You should ask to be relieved." He suggested. "You don't look so good." The lieutenant shook his head. "I can do this for a little longer, I've been
through worse." He stated. Lukus just shrugged. "Alright, suit yourself." He said before walking out of the room. The turbo lift wasn't far, so he stepped on and faced the doors.

"Deck 4" he commanded and the doors slid shut with a slight hiss. He leaned himself on the back of the lift. "I'll just unpack my stuff and then head up to the main bridge." He thought to himself. When the turbo lift came to a halt he stood up straight, tightened his grip on his bags and walked to his quarters.

"Wow! Didn't realise it would be this big!" He thought when he got to his quarters, he looked around the relatively large room in awe, there was a desk with a laptop-sized computer, a replicater and a large bed. "my friends assigned to the USS Tiber would kill for quarters like this!"

He set his bags down on the bed and started unpacking his things. It took a few minutes, but once he had finished he activated the replicater. "Pepsi, extra cold." Lukus never liked hot drinks, he took a swig of the pepsi, the freezing black liquid numbing his throat. "Chief intelligence officer, this will be intresting!" he thought while finshing his drink.

He then turned on his heel and entered back into the corrider and then back to the turbo lift once more. "Main bridge." he said out loud. "So, brillant so far!" he smiled as he thought that.
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Shalor Keyn

Shalor Keyn

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Join date : 2010-11-04
Age : 34

Mission 1: Hands of Friendship Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mission 1: Hands of Friendship   Mission 1: Hands of Friendship EmptySun Nov 07, 2010 3:15 am

Time: Day 1, 2020 Hours
Location : USS Merlin, Main Bridge
Tag: none

Keyn gasped as she stepped off the turbolift onto the bridge. It was big! Easily three times as large as the bridge of the Tiber. She strode forward, eyeing the bright consoles and sleek consoles as she did so. Confidently, Keyn wound her way around the captain and first officer’s chairs. The CONN glowed brightly, beckoning to her. She slid into the seat, noting how the chair seemed to reach out to embrace her as she did so. It was a bit more comfy that her seat on the Tiber had been. There were so many differences between the Merlin; a ship of peace and exploration, and the Tiber, a vessel of war. Keyn forced herself back to the task at hand; her fingers flew nimbly over the console.

“Alright, Baby,” she said, “Let’s see how you’re put together.”

Thruster control? Where was thruster control?
Keyn spotted it … Oh, well, duh…

“That did not just happen,” she muttered to herself.

Keyn was pleased to note that the engines were performing above peak efficiency. Well, for now. That’d likely go out the window in the first five seconds of the first firefight.

She’d read several reports on the flight capabilities of Excalibur-class ships when she’d gotten this assignment. According to every pilot who’d ever flown these vessels, they were fast and maneuverable, besting Soverign-class ships in both areas. She couldn’t wait to get the Merlin out of space dock; to stretch the big girl’s legs; see what she had. Warp 9.9! The Tiber would’ve disintegrated at that speed!

Keyn glanced at the chronometer at the top of her console: 2030 hours. Time to go introduce herself to the boss. She rose and hurried over to the door on the starboard side of the ship, which whooshed open to admit her. She was surprised by the size of the room. Even more surprised to see a skinny blonde human woman sitting at the desk.

“Er…” Keyn said, a bit at a loss. “I was looking for the Captain? Um… Ian Roberts?” Keyn was fairly certain Ian was a human male’s name, and the person behind the desk was certainly not a male…

“Through that door there,” the woman barely looked up from the desk. Keyn hurried through the indicated door.

This was a captain’s ready room, Keyn decided. It was much more in keeping with what she’d been expecting. Spacious, warm… inviting even. Behind the big desk sat a imposing man intent on the contents of the screen before him.

“Ahem,” Keyn cleared her throat, drawing the man’s attention. “Leuitenant Shalor Keyn, sir.” She stood stiffly at attention. “Chief Helmsman. I look forward to working with you, sir.”
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Andrew Sharp
Andrew Sharp

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Age : 31

Mission 1: Hands of Friendship Empty
PostSubject: Great Changes   Mission 1: Hands of Friendship EmptyFri Nov 05, 2010 8:12 pm

Time: Day 1 2016 Hrs.
Location: USS Xanthus- Main Shuttle Bay
Tags: None

Andrew Sharp stood by the door of the shuttlecraft Jacksonville, one of the largest shuttles from the Starship Merlin. A group of officers were being transferred from the Xanthus to the Merlin that day. Like so many other times before, Andrew was there to oversee the transfer. However, this time, it was different. This time, he would be getting on that shuttle and getting off at its intended destination.

As the other officers scheduled for transfer showed up, he confirmed their attendance and let them get settled inside the shuttle.

"Hey, Andy, could you please give me a hand with these bags?" One of his fellow officers, Ensign Ernest Conley, asked him.

"Oh, sure I can, Ernie," was Andrew's courteous reply. He set down the roster; then he and Conley moved over to a cluster of bags that had been transported to the shuttlebay just a few moments prior. As they moved them to the compartments in the back of the shuttle, Conley attempted to make Smalltalk. He turned to his colleague and asked him "How is Melanie doing?"

The person Conley was referring to was Lieutenant Melanie Jordan-Sharp, Andrew's wife. The two of them had been wed by the Xanthus' commanding officer, a Trill named Captain Geitan Taer Bovos, almost three years earlier. Both Melanie and her husband would be serving aboard the Merlin by the end of the day.

"She's doing fine," Andrew replied, "She's as excited as I am about this."

"That's good," commented Conley. There was silence for a moment. Then Conley asked his superior "How do you feel about this?"

"About what?" inquired Lieutenant Sharp.

"Your promotion."

"Oh." Andrew had only been offered the position of the Merlin's Second Officer a few weeks earlier. He was a bit hesitant at first, but after he had consulted both his wife and his captain, he had decided to accept the position. However, his feelings of the matter were somewhat clandestine. Even thouth he told everyone that he was looking forward to his promotion, he could not help but feel apprehensive. He was going to become a Second Officer, and he was only a Lieutenant Junior Grade!

In addition to this, just two months earlier, Melanie had discovered she was pregnant. Her husband was as enthusiastic as she was, but he had gotten used to the idea of raising their child on the Xanthus before the offer to serve on the Merlin had been presented to him. He needed a little time to accept this new transition.

Fortunately, he had been notified weeks in advance of this matter, and in those weeks, he had come to realize just how much he was looking foward to serving on an Excalibur-class vessel. He had also realized that it did not matter where he raised his child; all that really mattered in this subject was that the three of them- Andrew, Melanie, and their child- would be together on the same ship.

Lieutenant Sharp looked at Ensign Conley and told him "I'm very excited, and Melanie is, too."

Conley nodded and told him "We're all going to miss you. But we're happy for you all the same."

Andrew grinned again and told him "Thanks, Ernie. I'll remember you said that."

Conley patted Andrew on the back and left the shuttlebay. Andrew picked up the roster and looked over it. His wife was the only person that was unaccounted for. But they were in no huge hurry, so he just waited patiently for his wife to arrive.

Even though Melanie signed documents as "Melanie Sharp" and introduced herself as "Melanie Sharp," on a starship, she still went by "Melanie Jordan." Since she and her husband both held the same rank, she felt it would be better if she kept her maiden name, so that there would be only one "Lieutenant Sharp" and one "Lieutenant Jordan" onboard.

A few moments later, Melanie arrived in the shuttlebay. She and her husband embraced outside the entrance to the shuttle and then they stepped inside. Andrew sealed the door behind him and turned to his wife. He told her "Our seats are in the front. I need to speak with the pilot first, then I'll join you."

"Okay." Melanie smiled at her husband. She went to get settled as Andrew went up to the cockpit. He gave the pilot instructions to request clearance for departure. Once they had the clearance, the Jacksonville was started up.

Andrew went to the back of the Jacksonville and sat down next to his wife. The flight over to the Merlin was smooth and easy. During the flight, Melanie looked at her husband and told him "I hear that the quarters on Excalibur-class vessels are very roomy. They would be an ideal place to raise a baby."

Andrew grinned and held his wife's hand in his own. A few moments later, the Jacksonville docked in the main shuttlebay of the Merlin.

After having their bags transported to their new quarters, Andrew and Melanie walked out of the shuttlebay and headed to a turbolift. They stopped there and Andrew told Melanie "Our quarters are on Deck 2. You go ahead and get settled in there. Commander Roberts requested to see me as soon as I got onboard."

Melanie nodded and kissed her husband. Then she stepped into the turbolift and said "Deck Two."

Sharp went over to another turbolift, stepped in, and said "Main Bridge."

Last edited by Andrew Sharp on Mon Nov 15, 2010 12:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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Ian Roberts
Ian Roberts

Posts : 30
Join date : 2010-10-03

Mission 1: Hands of Friendship Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mission 1: Hands of Friendship   Mission 1: Hands of Friendship EmptyFri Nov 05, 2010 5:38 am

Time: Day 1 2002 Hrs.
Location: USS Merlin --> Ready Room
Tag: Anyone who wants to drop by

Ian had been greeted by a number of staff who had been assigned to the Merlin to assist with transition. Ian knew that after a few weeks of being aboard that he was going to more about the ship than they did. He was the kind of person who liked knowing what was available to him, how things worked. It was the former science officer in him.

The tour had started at the bottom of the ship and worked its way up. Most of what was being shown wasn't new technology but it was still exciting none the less for him. He anticipated pushing the ship to her limits and to see what she could do.

The group had finished Deck 32 where Ian was being shown the Waste Management area of the ship. This wasn't too exciting to him and with a ship 40 decks high it was going to take some time. Ian figured he had other things to do then just walk around the ship.

"I hate to cut this short" Ian said as they were going to board the turbolift to take them up to deck 31. But I must head up to the bridge. I need to get things in order there before I can complete this tour. It was very informative, thank you". The officers giving the tour appeared to be a little offended that Ian wasn't going to remain to see the rest of the ship but when it came down to it, no one out ranked him so there was nothing he could do. Ian boarded the turbo lift alone and the doors closed, hiding the "tour guides" from view. "Main bridge" Ian said as he leaned back in the turbolift, folded his arms and shook his head with a smile on his face. THIS was not something he wanted to ever get used to.

When the turbo lift opened up Ian was surprised at the sheer size of the bridge. It might of been the fact that it was relatively empty. Someone did notice his arrival. "Captain on the bridge!" Everyone was at attention. "As you were" Ian said to the crew hesitantly. "That was weird" he thought to himself. He was approached by a blonde enlisted woman who was carrying a PADD with her. "Sir," she said. "Petty Officer First Class Rebecca Frost" she said. "I have been assigned as your Yeoman".

Ian didn't expect to have a yeoman. At the same time though a ship with over a thousand people would be difficult to manage alone. "It is a pleasure to meet you Frost. I am looking forward to working with you."

She smiled politely. She started to walk with Ian as she began to walk towards the Captain's ready room. "As am I Commander. I am here to assist you with any administrative duties that you may require. If you wish I can put together a schedule for you each day, schedule appointments and alert you of communications that you may require your attention. It will be my duty to make your life as easy as possible."

Ian still couldn't believe that she was assigned to him. It seemed a little unfair. "Ms. Frost" Ian began. "I do appreciate it but I will do the best that I can. Don't take this the wrong way but you don't need to do all of this for me. Again, I do appreciate it but it is not necessary."

"I already knew this is how you would react knowing you had a yeoman of your own sir." She said somewhat arrogantly. She then handed the data padd over to Ian. "Here are the orders from Admiral Branel stating that you are to make full use of my services." Ian couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

"You are good" he said in response shaking the data padd at her. "I can't promise that I will fully use your services but I do believe we can come to some comprise."

Frost smiled. "As do I commander. If you will follow me I will show you to your ready room." Frost said.

Ian followed her to where the ready room was. When he walked in the door that said ready room he noticed there was a small room with a desk. "Is this the ready room?" Ian asked in a state of confusion. As large as the ship was he thought he would have a larger officer than this. Frost laughed a little bit. "No sir. This is where I work. I am always outside of your ready room if you need anything. You are in the doors ahead. Please, don't hesitate to call me if you need anything." Ian nodded and walked through the doors.

Inside he beheld what would now be his office. It was very spacious. He looked around and saw a replicator, his desk, chair, a couch and some other chairs along the wall. He immediately took one of them and placed it opposite of his chair at the desk as an invitation for those who entered to sit and talk with him.

Once the chair was in place he proceeded to sit at his desk. It took some wiggling to get comfortable but when he was he began to access the computer and read the personnel files of some of the officers that would be serving aboard his ship. The tedious work of a commanding officer was about to begin.

OOC: Feel free to come in if you would like to have a chat!
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Shalor Keyn

Shalor Keyn

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Age : 34

Mission 1: Hands of Friendship Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mission 1: Hands of Friendship   Mission 1: Hands of Friendship EmptyThu Nov 04, 2010 6:59 pm

Time: Day 1, 1945 hours
Location: USS Merlin, Officer’s Quarters
Tag: none

Keyn dumped her bags on the bed, groaning as the weight lifted off her shoulders. That was the last time she ever lugged 20 kilos 6 decks by herself. Next time, she’d have her bags transported to her quarters directly. Okay, so it wasn’t that bad; only a short walk down the corridor to the turbolift.

Silently, she crossed over to the replicator… no, wait, her replicator. Her quarters, her replicator. There hadn’t been room on the Tiber for anyone to have their own quarters. This was going to take some getting used to.

“Raktajino, extra hot,” she ordered. After a moment, the steaming beverage appeared on the pad. Smiling, she took a deep gulp, the coffee burning its way down her throat. “This is going to keep me up all night,” she muttered to herself.

Still holding her drink, Keyn used one hand to unzip the larger of her two bags. Immediately, a half dozen books came spewing out the top. She shuffled them to one side expertly. Keyn stared at the open bag for a moment, sipping from her mug. The hooks, the holo-image of her parents, and a few off-duty garments stared back up at her.

“I hate unpacking,” she set the mug down and pulled a stack of shirts from the bag. With Starfleet efficiency, Lieutenant Shalor soon had her clothes in the dresser, her datapads and books stacked neatly on the bookcase, and personal items arranged expertly around her quarters. Surveying her work with a critical eye, she sighed. There just weren’t enough things to fill this room. It seemed empty to her. Space was a luxury aboard a Defiant-class vessel like the Tiber; she’d learned to live without a few things as a result.

With a final nod of approval, she pivoted on her heel and exited her quarters. The turbolift was just down the hall. Upon entry, Keyn whirled to face the door. “Bridge,” she ordered, bracing herself as the lift lurched ever so slightly beneath her feet.

It was time to meet her new baby… Starship USS Merlin.
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Lukus Fordur

Lukus Fordur

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Mission 1: Hands of Friendship Empty
PostSubject: No turning back...   Mission 1: Hands of Friendship EmptyWed Nov 03, 2010 1:28 pm

Time: day 1 1940 hours
location: space dock

Ensign Lukus Forder was walking around the shipyard,trying to find the ship he had been assigned too. he had a neutrul expression on his face as he looked around, "The USS Merlin." his teacher back at the academy had simply said.

Lukus facepalmed."Damnit! there's hundreds of ships! I'll never find it!" he thought.

"You OK ensign?" A voice asked, Lukus took his hand of his face and saw Captain Bral of the USS Galatea standing next to him with a concerned look on his face. Lukus immediately turned and stood to attention. "At ease, whats the trouble ensign?"

Lukus stood at ease and released a heavy sigh. "I'm just looking for a ship called the..." He paused for a second before finishing."...USS Merlin?"

The captain just smiled "That ship is in command of one of my ex-crewmembers!" He stated, then he pointed down the corridor "Down there is a transporter room, you can ask the chief for a site-to-site transport to the Merlin." He explained. He then turned back to Lukus. "Tell him I sent you." Lukus just nodded, he started walking down when the captain said: "Good luck ensign!"
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Ian Roberts
Ian Roberts

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Mission 1: Hands of Friendship Empty
PostSubject: Everything must start somewhere....   Mission 1: Hands of Friendship EmptyWed Nov 03, 2010 5:32 am

Time: Day 1-1936 hrs
Location: USS Galatea

"...because of that and all that you have done for me. I will never forget my time here on the USS Galatea. It has been a pleasure to serve aboard such a fine ship and it has been a privilege to serve with each and every one of you. God bless you all."

Lt. Commander Ian Roberts was giving his farewell speech to the USS Galatea. He had been her XO for quite some time and had been through a lot with that crew. With the Galatea assigned to the edges of known space Ian came in contact with some interesting new species, saw some amazing things and was lucky enough to be able to tell the tale.

He had recently been assigned as the Commanding Officer for the USS Merlin. When he had input his request for a command he didn't believe that he would actually recieve a command. He thought someone in a desk at Starfleet Command would just chuckle and delete his application without giving it nothing more than a glance. Ian had a great reputation as a science officer but command quality? If anything, he thought he would get it on the second try.

Contrary to what he thought, not only was he given a command but that of an Excalibur class starship. The Excalibur class was not only known for its MASSIVE size but also its ability to pack a punch. Like the sovereign class before it, when an Excalibur class starship like the USS Merlin was called in to a situation it meant that Starfleet meant business or that there was someone they were trying to impress.

As Ian finished his speech being held in the lounge of the USS Galatea he sat as there was applause from those who had been invited. Ian had been loved and trusted by the crew and many were sad to see him go. However, they were excited for his next posting and believed that he deserved the posting, even though Ian didn't.

After a few more songs and laughs the party ended and it was time for Ian to start getting everything ready to move to his new posting. Ian had known about the transfer and promotion for some time so he had everything packed away and ready for transport. It would only be a matter of time before they were sitting in his new quarters as the USS Galatea close to reaching its destination at Space Dock.

Ian walked from the lounge after having said goodbye to everyone to his quarters. When walking in it seemed rather empty, a feeling he hadn't had before. He took a look around and the bare walls that were filled with books, his desk with no pictures on it and a living area with no decorations. As he stood there trying to remember where everything had been in hopes of always remembering where things were placed there was a ring at his door.

"Come in" Ian said.

As he turned around he noticed that his commanding officer Captain Bral a tellarite. "It is going to be different without you Commander" Bral said upon entering. "I don't think your replacement will ever be able to replace you."

"I appreciate that." Ian said in return. "I just feel like I needed some more time here. To be honest Captain, I don't feel ready."

"Those who feel like they are ready for command are fools." Bral said with a chuckle. "It means they are arrogant, cocky and will do more harm than good. You know you don't know it all which means you will explore options and try to fully understand the situation. That is a good thing to be. At the same time though you won't always have the time to investigate and that is where your gut comes in. We have been through a lot you and I. Sometimes we came away from situations I never thought we would get out of. I hate to say it but every time we did. It was because my instincts were in command, not me. I know what you can do Roberts. I think that we and everyone in the federation are going to know the USS Merlin as being one of the great ships of our time."

Ian smiled inside thinking of the Merlin being considered one of the great ships of her time. Deep down he knew he had potential and he had heard others tell him that before. But coming from someone he looked up to? No one had ever spoken to him like this.

"Come on" the Captain said placing his hand on Ian's shoulder. "I'll have someone take these to transporter room 2 for you. I want you to see something." Ian smiled knowing that some unlucky soul was going to have a hard time with all of his belongings. But, that was the perks of rank and a Captain who liked you.

Together the two of them walked out of Ian's quarters and reminisced of some of their experiences together. In a matter of minutes the two of them were on the bridge and they laughed together as they walked in. Captain Bral had to interrupt their conversation as he had to order everyone back to what they were doing when someone yelled captain on the bridge. Ian knew hearing that would take some time to getting used to.

Ian looked at the view screen noticing that they were approaching space dock. His started to become nervous as he began to get the feeling that this command really was going to happen. He sat to the right of the Captain's chair as he had done so many times before and for the first time in what seemed like years. Sat back and enjoyed the scenery.

The doors of spacedock opened as they got close and Ian watched as a nebula class vessel was leaving the dock. When they were given the go ahead the helmsmen plotted their entrance into spacedock. They approached closer and closer to the station until the ship began to pass through the large doors of spacedock. Inside everything seemed to be bustling around in some chaotic symphony. It seemed the busiest he had ever seen it. An old excelsior class vessel was harbored right at the enterance receiving a long awaited refit. In the distance though Ian thought he could see the Merlin. He stood up and tried to look around the excelsior class vessel to see if it really was the Merlin. What Ian didn't notice was Captain Bral's smile as it was obvious that Ian was acting like a child who was receiving a new toy. In the eyes of some other starfleet commanders though, that is exactly what was happening.

"Don't worry commander." the Captain said. "she isn't going anywhere." Ian still didn't sit back down in his seat, instead he walked closer to the view screen as the USS Merlin came into view. He knew the specifications of the ship but was surprised at how massive she was. Inside he smiled as he saw a miranda class vessel, one of a few left, pass in front of the Merlin. That was when he really understood how massive she really was.

"What do you think Commander?" Captain Bral said to Roberts.

"Sir, I believe that this will be better than I had anticipated." Ian said as he turned around with a smile.

"Don't start getting cocky on me Commander." The captain said in jest. For one last moment with Ian the Captain had to be serious. "Lt. Commander Ian Roberts". Ian knew that tone of voice and immediately turned around and stood at attention. "You are hearby relieved of your position as Executive Officer of the USS Galatea and are ordered by Starfleet Command to report to the USS Merlin as her Commanding Officer." Ian continued to stand at attention. He realized his time had come. "Now get going" the Captain said after a brief pause. "I am going to hear it from the dock master. I deviated way off of my assigned flight path to let you see her. Now get going." The Captain smiled. Ian walked over and shook the hand of the captain. "Keep in touch old friend" Bral said before Ian walked off the bridge and into the turbolift.

"Transporter Room 1" Roberts said upon entering. He tried to muster all his feelings together. Now that he was leaving the Galatea, he would have to appear like a commanding officer to those who he was now going to command. He couldn't show any feelings of reluctance to let go of the Galatea and show enthusiasm for his new post. He took a deep breath when the turbolift came to a stop, he stood a little straighter, brought his shoulders back and walked off the the turbolift to the transporter room.

When the doors opened he went up and stood on the transporter pad. "Sir, your belongings are already aboard the Merlin." The transporter chief said. "Best of luck Commander. It has been a pleasure serving with you". Ian simply nodded. "Energize" he said. The world around him began to disappear in a bright blue light.
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Ian Roberts
Ian Roberts

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Mission 1: Hands of Friendship Empty
PostSubject: Mission 1: Hands of Friendship   Mission 1: Hands of Friendship EmptyTue Oct 26, 2010 5:06 am

Mission 1: Hands of Friendship Mission1
This promises to follow the Star Trek philosophy of peace and friendship. Though it promises to be exciting as well.

This will be our first mission together. I do see this as being one with potential to involve all of us as well. Good luck everyone! Can't wait to see this one through to the end with all of you!
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