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 Andrew Sharp: Application

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Ian Roberts
Ian Roberts

Posts : 30
Join date : 2010-10-03

Andrew Sharp: Application Empty
PostSubject: Andrew Sharp: Application   Andrew Sharp: Application EmptyThu Oct 14, 2010 6:15 am

Andrew Sharp: Application Andrewsharp1

Physical Attributes
Name: Andrew Sharp
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Further Physical Description: Sharp can be classified as the average-sized 31 year-old human male. His body is somewhat muscular, but not to the extent where he can be classified as “intimidating.”

Personality and Traits
Overall Personality: Sharp is a tolerant man and easy to get along with. He has never been late for or absent from a duty shift. He does have a witty yet cunning personality, but he never deliberately tries to hurt someone with words. He has a very well-built sense of humor, but he always takes his work seriously. Sharp is also very patient, and always obeys the orders of his superior officer.

Ambitions: Sharp has two main ambitions, or goals: 1) to do something great in Starfleet that he would be memorable for and 2) to get married and have at least one child. He has completed the first-half of the latter, and is working towards completing the other half of it. He intends to accomplish the former objective over the course of the next decade.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Sharp is a person who holds friendship and family in high regard. Some people have believed him to be at least part-Vulcan, as he "has the memory of one." However, despite his impressive memorization skills, it has been explicitly proven that his DNA is pure Human. He always looks to his crewmembers for morale support. Sharp is known to be good with just about any animal he encounters, with the notable exception of dogs. When he was nine, it was confirmed that he has cynophobia (the fear of dogs). Overtime, however, he has become somewhat partial to beagles. But other than that, he still fears most other dogs.

Sharp is the only person known to have seen a Breen who was not wearing a helmet and lived to tell the tale. However, the description he gives of their appearance is too complex and unsettling to go into. Long story short, Sharp feels rather disturbed whenever he even comes close to encountering the Breen.

Hobbies/Interests: Sharp does take great “interest” in his work. He also enjoys travelling to distant places, which is one of the reasons why he joined Starfleet in the first place. In regards to his personal life, he spends a lot of his off-duty time socializing with his fellow crewmen and his wife, Melanie. He enjoys mystery holo-novels and he is a great fan of musical theatre. His favorite play is Andrew Lloyd Webber’s CATS. While he may seem to have a strong social life, he does prefer his time alone, or just time with his wife.

Historical Information

Family Members: Sharp has one younger brother and two younger sisters. He has several cousins; a few of them are also in Starfleet. Two of his cousins died during the Dominion War. Sharp got married on Stardate 60254.7 to Melanie Jordan, a fellow officer. At the time, the two of them were not serving aboard the same ship. But they currently serve on the same vessel, and they are expecting their first child together.

Background: Sharp was born in Austin, Texas on Stardate 32683.1 (September 6th, 2356). His family has lived an urban lifestyle for centuries. He is a high-school graduate with a notable degree in various sciences and math. His father, Richard Lawrence Sharp, is the head of one of the Alpha Quadrant’s most famous theatre companies and his mother is Rear Admiral Natalie Sharp. Sharp acquired his initial two main aspirations from his parents. He had decided that he would either join a theatre troupe or join Starfleet. The former had been his first choice, but he decided that a career in Starfleet better suited him.

Service Record: Sharp applied to Starfleet Academy in the year 2374 for a standard four-year course as a cadet. He is a survivor of the Breen attack on Starfleet Academy. Many of his fellow cadets were profoundly traumatized by this event, but Sharp was not going to give in to fear and let this “inconvenience” get in his way of fulfilling his aspiration. He ended up graduating in the top ten percentile. After graduation, he received his first assignment as a junior intelligence officer aboard the USS Copenhagen. (Details on his first mission aboard the Copenhagen follow this personnel report). After twenty months of hard work and persistence, he was promoted to lieutenant junior grade. Two more years passed, and then Sharp was transferred to the USS Facilitator. It was on this ship that Sharp met his future wife, Ensign Melanie Jordan. On the Facilitator, Sharp switched from the Intelligence Department to the Security/Tactical Department. He served aboard the Facilitator for eleven months, and then he was transferred to the USS Xanthus.

Sharp currently serves aboard the USS Merlin as Chief Security/Tactical Officer.
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